Our research

The WHO Collaborating Centre for Research and Training in the Patient Perspective on Medicines Use is involved in various projects.

For example:

1. Researchers from the center are collaborating with various partners in Denmark and the Netherlands: academia, private partners and patient organization to evaluate a new post-education on patient centeredness for pharmacy staff to study its effects on patients’ experienced drug related problems.

28 staff members in Denmark and 24 staff members in the Netherlands are involved in the first trial of the education.

2. Researchers from the center have been collaborating with The National Institute for Health and Welfare, Finland (THL) under the programme of the “Nordic-Russian Cooperation in Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) Containment” (Nordic Council of Ministers’ Thematic Programme for ‘Health Promotion and Prevention’). The aim was to study the culture of use of antibiotics in North-West Russia to inform future AMR programmes.

In total, 93 interviews were conducted with patients, community pharmacists and general practitioners about their practices with antibiotics in the regions of Arkhangelsk, Karelia, Murmansk, Pskov and Skt. Petersburg.

3. Researchers from the center and delegates from 13 countries within the AMC Network Group under the WHO Regional Office for Europe undertook a project investigating the practices, attitudes and knowledge around use of antibiotics through the use of interviews.

 Some of the scientific papers stemming from the projects are listed below.

The Social and Clinical Pharmacy research group

The Social and Clinical Pharmacy research group at the University of Copenhagen has gained huge expertise over the last 40 years in applying qualitative research methods to explore patient perspectives on medicines use. Outputs of their research include the following papers: